Viestintä ja moderni poliittinen teoria
This article juxtaposes classical and early modern political theories in order to analyse the main preconceptions of Locke’s and Smith’s liberalism as well as Kant’s rationalism. In the theories of Plato, Aristotle and St. Augustine, different modes of communication had a major role in creating virtues, balanced souls and also just societies depending on these ethical entities. The early modern theories presupposed a natural basic balance in the human soul and neglected the role of communication in creating social justice through virtuous souls. Actually Locke and Smith depend on ethics they themselves tend to disintegrateLataukset
Lataustietoja ei ole vielä saatavilla.
Volanen, R. (1989). Viestintä ja moderni poliittinen teoria. Politiikka, 31(3), 169–180. Noudettu osoitteesta
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