Sosiaalitutkimuksen mahdollisuuksista hallinnossa
The application of research results to justify political and administrative decisions has long been considered a characteristic of »progressive» decision-making. However, many factors restrict the conduct and application of social science research in public administration.The fact that the objectives of decision-making are often unclear and uncertain limits the instrumental applicability of social science research. The results of conceptual, enlightening social science research are accepted by decision-makers only if they are in keeping with the values and experience of the decision-makers. The application of research results is often mere delusion: only after decisions have already been made does the search begin for »research results» which can then be used to justify these decisions.Lataukset
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Heikkilä, M. (1991). Sosiaalitutkimuksen mahdollisuuksista hallinnossa. Politiikka, 33(3), 221–225. Noudettu osoitteesta
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