Ylhäältä lännestä alas itään: saksalainen yhteiskunta ja työmarkkinat murroksessa
The analysis of German reunification and its internal and external effects is a very exciting and de- The Transformation of manding task politically and as an intellectual activity. It is demanding especially for the social sci- Germany After ences. Pointing at the discrepances of reunification, the author claims that the future of the German Reunification model depends on the success of the transformation process. In this case, internal unification eventually frames the external success of the state. During the last decades we used to see the stability and the evolutionary development of institutions as a normal case, at least in the European context, but in times of systematic collapse, it may be difficult to understand all the aspects of the revolutionary process. In a situation where all the fundamental coordinates of social life brake down, social qualifications and professional skills lose their value, social security systems and infrastructure do not function anymore, and the people are forced to rethink their own possibilities and rights as citizens, it is quite clear that the normal and effective functioning of social systems such as labour markets will evolve only graduallyNedladdningar
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Referera så här
Koistinen, P. (1992). Ylhäältä lännestä alas itään: saksalainen yhteiskunta ja työmarkkinat murroksessa. Politiikka, 34(1), 76–90. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150951
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