Kansanedustajaksi rekrytoituminen ja vaalimenestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät

Tapaustutkimus vuoden 1999 eduskuntavaaleista Pirkanmaan vaalipiiristä


  • Ilkka Ruostetsaari


The purpose of the study is to analyse the recruitment of MP's and to find out what factors promoted electoral success of candidates in the Finnish general elections of 1999. The material of the study is composed of two parts. Firstly, the survey questionnaire was send to all candidates of the electoral district of Pirkanmaa in Southern Finland. Secondly, the volume and the costs of the electoral advertising of candidates in newspapers was collected by students of political science from about 30 newspapers published in the electoral district. The data concerning costs of advertising on TV and radio were gathered directly from these media. The hypothesis of the study, based on the previous recruitment studies, was that the electoral success of candidates can be explained by the supply-side variables of the recruitment process rather than demand-side variables. In order to test the hypothesis four regression models were constructed, political experience (previous participation in elections, elective positions in public bodies, political parties and non-political associations), demographic-social factors (gender, age, education and profession), campaigning organization (number of campaigning events and municipalities, utilization of campaigning office, advertising agency and supporting group) and resources for advertinsing. The dependent variable of the study was the number of votes candidates received. The hypothesis was supported by the results of the study although the demand-side factors were also relevant as fas as the recruitment of MP's was concerned. The most powerful of the explanatory models was resources for advertising, while the weakest was demographic-social variables.


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Referera så här

Ruostetsaari, I. (1999). Kansanedustajaksi rekrytoituminen ja vaalimenestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät: Tapaustutkimus vuoden 1999 eduskuntavaaleista Pirkanmaan vaalipiiristä. Politiikka, 41(2). Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151263