Kvalitatiivisen aineiston tietokoneavusteisen analyysin lähtökohtia
This article argues that computer-assisted qualitative data analysis is not an independent method or approach. It is often assumed that the use of computers makes qualitative research more exact, more reliable and more valid. These beliefs are correct to some extent: not because software can perform the analysis, but because software makes the process of analysis easier to manage. The main analytic operations in computer-assisted qualitative data analysis are coding, retrieving, writing memos and exploring the relations between objects. However, one cannot just use the analytic operations randomly. It is crucial to use the operations in a manner which corresponds to the method one is following. For example, in grounded theory one applies the same analytic operations in a totally different way than in content analysis. We will examine how some Finnish studies have used the ATLAS/ti program and its features, and conclude by discussing the implications of computer-aided qualitative research.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Moilanen, T. (2001). Kvalitatiivisen aineiston tietokoneavusteisen analyysin lähtökohtia. Politiikka, 43(2), 156–166. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151343
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