Lyckliga dagar åt alla? Finländsk partireklam i televisionen under 1990-talet


  • Tom Carlson


In the 1990s Finnish election campaigning changed significantly. Most importantly, televised political advertising was allowed. However, Finnish research on the messages of televised ads has been scarce. This article focuses on the Finnish parties’ spot ads in the parliamentary election campaigns of the 1990s. The analysis is twofold. First, the Finnish parties’ spot ads are compared and contrasted with foreign televised political spot ads. The findings show that the Finnish ads differ from foreign ads in three respects: 1) the emphasis is on image rather than issues; 2) explicit attacks on opponents are absent; and 3) the production techniques are used in a more varied manner. Second, a ‘close reading’ of the Finnish parties’ spot ads is conducted. The author concludes that the parties are ambivalent about their advertising strategies in three ways. First, there is ambivalence about whether to cling to a traditional ‘party logic’ or adjust to modern ‘media logic’ in devising the spot ads. Second, in addressing the message, there is a tension between appealing to the parties’ traditional hardcore voters and attracting new strata of voters. Third, in a political culture where coalition governments are the norm, parties face the dilemma between ‘going negative’ in the fight for the votes and behaving as potential coalition partners.


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Referera så här

Carlson, T. (2001). Lyckliga dagar åt alla? Finländsk partireklam i televisionen under 1990-talet. Politiikka, 43(4), 303–317. Hämtad från