Kuvia Kekkosslovakiasta : Lasten piirustukset dokumentteina politiikasta Kekkosen ajan Suomessa


  • Anne Koski


Especially in 1975 and in 1980 Finnish children were asked to draw pictures in honour of the birthday of President Kekkonen in schools and day-care centres. By asking the teachers and daycare workers forced children to face the public sphere and study it by their own means. The drawing in addition makes it possible to analyse the visual means of political argumentation and shows in practice how political meanings are shared and communicated without words. In the analysis drawing is compared with the collections of children’s drawings in the Urho Kekkonen’s Archive and in the Urho Kekkonen’s Museum Tamminiemi. The drawing turns out to be a quite precise diagram of the political power structure in the late 70’ies. Its authoritarian features were so obvious that even the children could perceive them.


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Referera så här

Koski, A. (2005). Kuvia Kekkosslovakiasta : Lasten piirustukset dokumentteina politiikasta Kekkosen ajan Suomessa. Politiikka, 47(4), 270–281. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151510