Thematic issue on Independence of Art and Science


  • Oleksandra Sushchenko Aalto University
  • Mira Kallio-Tavin Aalto University


Within the last two decades, academic research has become subject to interdisciplinary work of increasing frequency. Interdisciplinary and, more recently, transdisciplinary collaborations are some- times understood as the most prospective solu- tions to solve contemporary world’s problems that are typically not discipline-based. The diverse backgrounds of researchers allow potentiality for convergent research (Kallio-Tavin, Fast, Heimonen, Pusa & Hari, 2021). As Riitta Hari (ALLEA, 2021) says, “most important problems don’t need to come in packages that feed just one discipline, and that is why we have to convert across disci- plines” (1:05). There are undoubtable advantages that come with processes of interdisciplinary col- laboration, such as constantly extending new areas of knowledge, finding solutions to the important problems, along with refining methodological prac- tices. At the same time, due to the differences in approaches and theoretical frameworks, collabora- tions can have significant challenges and even tan- gle consequences.

How to Cite

Sushchenko, O., & Kallio-Tavin, M. (2022). Thematic issue on Independence of Art and Science . Research in Arts and Education, 2022(2), 1–3.