Museum of Extinction

The Field Ornithology Collection


  • Natalie Field NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


speculative taxidermy, materiality, museology, re-imagining, extinction


This artistic research project combines an exploration of natural history conservation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and museology at Museene i Sør-Trøndelag. The exposition is structured around Field Notes: qualitative records of my observations. Taking an ethnographic and interpretive phenomenological approach, I argue my hypothesis through the subjective experiences of the living, as well as the living dead. Drawing a correlation between the utilitarian subjugation of the animal-other and loss of biodiversity, I posit that the re-presentation of animal materialities in art and artefacts has the potential to re-form culture in the time of the sixth extinction.

Research Articles



How to Cite

Field, N. (2024). Museum of Extinction: The Field Ornithology Collection. Research in Arts and Education, 2024(1), 54–67.