Feral Experiments in CreaTures Co-Laboratory


  • Markéta Dolejšová Postdoctoral researcher, Aalto University
  • Andrea Botero Aalto University
  • Jaz Hee-jeong Choi Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
  • Michal Mitro ssessi.space
  • Agniezska Pokrywka Super Eclectic
  • Tuuli Mattelmäki Aalto University
  • Škubánek Chewie Open Forest Collective


feral ways, more-than-human co-creation, eco-social transformation


We share insights from our practice-based experimentation with ‘feral’ ways of sensemaking in the context of creative transformational practices. Drawing on three art and design research projects, we discuss how feral ways–open-ended, spontaneous, welcoming indeterminacy – may foster more-than-human co-creation of knowledge and data, and nurture shifts from anthropocentric ‘making sense of’ to relational ‘making sense-with’ other-than-human creatures. Through our cases, we illustrate how experimenting with feralness can foreground issues of power, agency, and control in the currently human-centric discourses around data, technology, and sensemaking in eco-social transformation. Our insights may nurture critical more-than-human perspectives in creative eco-social inquiries.

Research Articles



How to Cite

Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Hee-jeong Choi, J., Mitro, M., Pokrywka, A., Mattelmäki, T., & Chewie, Škubánek. (2024). Feral Experiments in CreaTures Co-Laboratory. Research in Arts and Education, 2024(1), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.54916/rae.142583