Minuuden narratiivinen rakentaminen tutkimushaastattelussa


  • Katariina Löfblom Turun yliopisto


dialogi, metodologia, narratiivi, vuorovaikutus


In this article, I analyse the reconstruction of the concept of ‘self’ in an interview situation. For that purpose, I have utilised George Herbert Mead’s dynamic and dialogic idea of the self. Mead emphasizes the chronological distance between the experiencing self and the self which tells about the self. According to the narrative approach, the life of a human being and the selfhood can be perceived as a story. This view includes an assumption according to which a human being aims to construct and maintain a coherent story of his or hers life, as well as to create connections between separate events. In an interview situation, the self receives meanings in a reciprocal process in which one’s own operation is adapted and edited based on the others’ feedback and gestures. In this article, I have utilised the speech of comprehensive and upper secondary school students concerning school attendance and educational choices to illustrate the construction of the self.  The student’s choices and the considerations related to their own future are especially topical in their life. My article also offers a methodological and empirical application to process theories where links to the theory of positioning can be found.





How to Cite

Löfblom, K. (2023). Minuuden narratiivinen rakentaminen tutkimushaastattelussa. Sosiologia, 60(1), 22–36. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/sosiologia/article/view/128682