History of the Tohmajärvi Tehdasosuusliike


  • Miia Seppänen indie


Tohmajärvi, Northern Karelia, factory cooperative, peat industry, brick industry


After the construction of the Karelian railway line (1892-1894), a small industry began to be built in the North Karelia region of Tohmajärvi Station. Industrial operations started in 1907 from the Turvepehkuosuuskunta (cooperative in peat industry) and expanded into Tehdasosuusliike (a factory cooperative) in the 1920s with a sawmill, a mill and a brick factory. By the 1950s, Tehdasosuusliike grew to be the largest cooperative enterprise in North Karelia, employing around 350 people at its best. This review introduces the origins and history of the Tehdasosuusliike in Tohmajärvi and presents rare photographic material from the mill's everyday life.

How to Cite

Seppänen, M. (2022). History of the Tohmajärvi Tehdasosuusliike. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 40(2). https://doi.org/10.33355/tw.110993