Näköradiosta mobiilitelevisioon

televisioteknologioiden sosiokulttuurista historiaa


  • Jukka Kortti


From "visual radio" to mobile television: The socio-cultural history of TV-technologies

The article examines socio-culturally the Finnish television as a changing consumer technology. It focuses particularly on the domestication process of television and its accessories as an information and communication technology. The examples of different TV-technologies cover the whole half-a-century history of the Finnish television: The arrival of TV, VCR, remote control and digital TV. The article also discusses the failures and possibilities of interactive television, mobile TV and technological convergence. The study uses oral history, to be exact written reminiscences, to explore the changing role of television in the life of the Finns.



How to Cite

Kortti, J. (2007). Näköradiosta mobiilitelevisioon: televisioteknologioiden sosiokulttuurista historiaa. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 25(2), 5–20. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/63845