Museoyhdistyksestä tieteelliseksi seuraksi

Tekniikan Historian Seuran historia osana teknillisten museoiden, teollisuusnäyttelyiden ja tiedekeskusten kehityksen historiaa


  • Panu Nykänen


From a museums association into a learned society

The Finnish Society for the History of Technology (THS) was founded in 1928 in order to promote the foundation of the museum of technology. The society's own history is thus part of the historical development of technical museums, industrial exhibitions, and science centres. During the 20th century, definitions of technology changed, and towards the end of the century, comprehension of the seamless union of technology and science started to prevail. In this context, THS changed from a museums association into a learned society specializing in the history of technology.



How to Cite

Nykänen, P. (2008). Museoyhdistyksestä tieteelliseksi seuraksi: Tekniikan Historian Seuran historia osana teknillisten museoiden, teollisuusnäyttelyiden ja tiedekeskusten kehityksen historiaa. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 26(4), 25–31. Retrieved from