Tulos ei päässyt edes teksti-tv:lle

miksi vanhanaikainen teknologia on säilyttänyt asemansa digitalisoituneessa mediaurheiluympäristössä?


  • Riikka Turtiainen


"Didn’t get the result to a teletext": Why an old-fashioned technology has maintained its status in a digital environment of media sport?

The article examines the use of teletext among sports audience. It focuses on teletext’s popularity as an old-fashioned technology in the digital media environment. Sports audience is using teletext because of its quickness and handiness. They consider its real time content to be compact and reliable. One reason for teletext’s constant vogue is its plainness as a text based tool. The article also discusses the relationship of old and new media in relation to active users. While teletext is a one-way media, the remote control has been symbolizing freedom of choice. Users experiences are analyzed through web survey. Construction of teletext’s (sports) history is based on the interview of Lauri Sihvonen who has been working as a teletex reporter for 25 years.



How to Cite

Turtiainen, R. (2010). Tulos ei päässyt edes teksti-tv:lle: miksi vanhanaikainen teknologia on säilyttänyt asemansa digitalisoituneessa mediaurheiluympäristössä?. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 28(4), 32–48. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/63977