Koneen tuoksu

tietotekniikan kulttuurihistoriaa haistelemassa


  • Jaakko Suominen


Scent of a Machine: An Olfactory History of Information Technology

The article analyses olfactory recollections of information technologies and their use. The primary material of the study is based on an online survey data, collected in 2002–2003. The article introduces ways of how those olfactory experiences and recollections can be classified based on variations in narration and causes of odors. In addition, the article deals with the question of age and gender in olfactory recollections and in their representations. The aim of the study is to introduce possibilities and new paths for studying cultural history of technology, collecting research material as well as exhibiting history of information technologies by examining historical, cultural, political and economic dimensions of sensations and senses.



How to Cite

Suominen, J. (2011). Koneen tuoksu: tietotekniikan kulttuurihistoriaa haistelemassa. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 29(4), 5–25. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/64009