Porin oluttehtaan laajenemisen vuosikymmenet

teollisuus ja kaupungin päättäjät loivat uutta kaupunkikuvaa


  • Eeva Sinerjoki


The decades of expansion of the Pori Brewery

The article studies the changes that the Pori city centre went through from the 1950s to the 1980s. During these decades Pori turned into a modern city and the transformation was also visible in the landscape. What happened in the brewery area is a good example of profitable co-operation between industry and the city politicians. They had mainly the same goal, which made the rapid change possible. Gradually, the brewery expanded within its block, and further outside the block by purchasing lots from its neighbours and especially from the city. Exchange of land was also used in order to benefit both partners. The debate about who actually owns our city landscapes has just recently started. Termination of the brewery production changed the image of the area dramatically, and the area is now under a new planning process. Doreen Massey’s theories about locality are applicable to this case. The famous Karhu brand of beer still exists, but it is no longer brewed in Pori.



How to Cite

Sinerjoki, E. (2012). Porin oluttehtaan laajenemisen vuosikymmenet: teollisuus ja kaupungin päättäjät loivat uutta kaupunkikuvaa. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 30(2), 13–25. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/64028