Kauas bitit karkaavat

äänitemusiikin digitaalinen murros


  • Tuukka Sandström
  • Lassi A. Liikkanen


The digital revolution in recorded music

Everyday music consumption follows the constant flow of new technologies. The situation is characterised by the existence and employment of multiple music listening solutions in parallel. This paper concerns the state of technologically mediated music listening in Finland in 2012. It evaluates the trends of both consumer and music industry. We examine the new technologies in detail. Of these, the music streaming services emerge as the fastest growing area. We have utilised numerous publicly available statistics, conducted interviews and carried out a survey about the use of digital music services in late 2012. The survey results are published in this paper for the first time.



How to Cite

Sandström, T., & Liikkanen, L. A. (2013). Kauas bitit karkaavat: äänitemusiikin digitaalinen murros. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 31(2), 5–23. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/64073