Suunniteltu vanhentaminen tuotteiden ominaisuutena


  • Lilli Sihvonen


Planned obsolescence as a feature of products

This article examines planned obsolescence which refers to deliberate attempts of shortening the lifespan of a product or a service. It often relates to technological artifacts but previous studies have focused more and more on cultural objects as well. I will use examples on how planned obsolescence occurs in products. I will also assemble useable terms in order to define planned obsolescence more accurately. The aim is to provide tools for further discussion. Planned obsolescence encourages dematerialization of products, but it does not mean loss of materialism itself. The article will offer some suggestions on how planned obsolescence could be studied in the future.



How to Cite

Sihvonen, L. (2014). Suunniteltu vanhentaminen tuotteiden ominaisuutena. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 32(2), 46–54. Retrieved from