Historiallisen palokaluston kulttuuriperintöprosessi

tapaustutkimus Porin VPK:n ensimmäisestä paloautosta


  • Anni Ruohomäki


From historical fire apparatus into cultural heritage: A case study of the first fire engine of the volunteer fire department of Pori

This report is based on an article I wrote for the book Karhu, kirves ja punainen kukko, Porin Vapaaehtoinen Palokunta 1863–2013, the history of the volunteer fire department in Pori. When I was doing research for my article I noticed that one fire engine overshadowed all the rest of the fire apparatus. This Benz Gaggenau fire engine was bought from Germany in 1921. In 2011 it was on display in a large window of the old fire station. People were talking about it and admiring it. It had a special meaning to the volunteer fire department of Pori as well as the citizens of Pori. In this report I tell the story of Benz Gaggenau and I describe how it transformed from a fire apparatus into cultural heritage.



How to Cite

Ruohomäki, A. (2014). Historiallisen palokaluston kulttuuriperintöprosessi: tapaustutkimus Porin VPK:n ensimmäisestä paloautosta. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 32(2), 55–67. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/64115