Telakkateollisuus yhdyskunnan ytimenä

Turun Pansion telakat ja alueen asuntorakentaminen 1940-luvulta 1970-luvulle


  • Markku Norvasuo
  • Mikko Mälkki


Shipbuilding presents a significant if curious case in Finnish industrial history. In this article Markku Norvasuo and Mikko Mälkki focus on the Pansio-Perno shipbuilding industry in Turku from the perspective of urban structure. The industrial expansion of the area, consequent construction and housing project and integration into a larger municipal context form the setting for a re-evaluation of the area as it stands today. The initial development of Pansio-Perno was based on Erik Bryggman’s design of the Laivateollisuus shipyard housing estate. Later, suburban expansion was closely linked to the industrialisation of housing. These developments are evaluated from two perspectives. First, the shipbuilding industry had an integral role during the initial development of the area, while at the same time a new, theoretical ideology of suburban housing was emerging in Finland. Second, later developmental stages and projects need to be interpreted with this initial stage in mind. The authors argue that the combination of industrial expansion and changing municipal ideals have had longstanding impact on the development of the Pansio-Perno area.



How to Cite

Norvasuo, M., & Mälkki, M. (2015). Telakkateollisuus yhdyskunnan ytimenä: Turun Pansion telakat ja alueen asuntorakentaminen 1940-luvulta 1970-luvulle. Tekniikan Waiheita – the Finnish quarterly for the history of technology, 33(2), 26–35. Retrieved from