Tutkimuksen hyödyntäminen näyttelykäsikirjoittamisessa


  • Jari Kettunen


The use of research in the exhibition manuscripting process The article discusses how the cultural and historical research of technology can be used in writing an exhibition script. As an example case, the article uses exhibition script and the exhibition manuscripting process of the Museum of Technology exhibition Teledreams – a connection over time and place. A story of progress and producing or renewing inventor myths were avoided in the script. In addition, an aim of the script was to present interpretations of the past rather than irreversible facts. The purpose of the article is to make visible the choices, goals and backgrounds of writing an exhibition script that affect the outcome of producing new popular historical knowledge for the audience. Article´s conclusion outlines four different ways to use the research in writing an exhibition script and discusses the potential problems related to the use of the research



How to Cite

Kettunen, J. (2017). Tutkimuksen hyödyntäminen näyttelykäsikirjoittamisessa. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 35(1), 6–18. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/82311