The Pihlava Works - Sawn timber, traces of the industrial past and empty spaces


  • Maarit Grahn


The Pihlava Works – Sawn Timber, Traces of the Industrial Past and Empty SpacesThe structural changes that have shaken up the European industry in recent decades, have led to major changes in many old industrial areas. Several industrial areas built at the turn of the 20th century have been left empty or might be only partly used, waiting for new operations. This article focuses on the development of the Pihlava Works, located in the coastal area of western Finland. The Pihlava Works, consisting of a sawmill and a fibreboard factory, is studied both in the context of structural changes and from the point of view of the reuse of industrial areas. The fate of the Pihlava Works is twofold. The old sawmill building is still in original use. On the other hand, the fibreboard factory is almost empty and awaits new users. The case shows that several factors might direct the reuse of old industrial areas. In addition to the factors that reference circumstances in the present, historical values can also influence the decisions connected to the continuation of industrial activity. The case also shows that nothing will remain if left on its own. The maintenance of an industrial site requires conscious and appropriate usage.



How to Cite

Grahn, M. (2017). The Pihlava Works - Sawn timber, traces of the industrial past and empty spaces. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 35(4), 17–30. Retrieved from