Yliluonnolliset ilmiöt lapsen kuoleman jälkeen


  • Suvi Laiho Tampereen yliopisto
  • Marja Kaunonen Tampereen yliopisto
  • Anna Liisa Aho Tampereen yliopisto


During the last three decades, the interest towards paranormal phenomena amongst bereaved people has been growing in Europe and USA. Previous research results have indicated that many bereaved people experience paranormal phenomena, and post-death encountering with the deceased person has a significant healing impact on grieving people as it gives a feeling of connectedness with the deceased person. Paranormal refers to something that is against the laws of nature or our common sense. In this study the paranormal phenomena has not been defined or focused, but the parents participating to the study defined themselves, what kind of experiences they perceived paranormal after the death of a child.

The purpose of this research is to describe parents’ experiences of paranormal phenomena and their effects after the death of a child. The aim of this research was to widen the knowledge of the experiences of bereaved people about paranormal phenomena. The research questions were: 1) What kind of paranormal phenomena bereaving parents have experienced after the death of their child? and 2) How did the bereaved parents experience these phenomena? The data were collected using an electronic questionnaire from bereavement organizations (KÄPY ry, Surunauha ry, HUOMA ry ja Suomen Nuoret Lesket ry) emailing lists and Internet pages, as well as from closed discussion groups (e.g. Facebook). In all, 74 mothers and three fathers answered to the questionnaire.

Parents experienced paranormal phenomena related to the parent him/herself or occurring externally after the death of a child. Phenomena related to the parents themselves included perceptions, feeling of presence, and bodily feelings related phenomena, as well as communication with the deceased child, and spirituality related phenomena. Phenomena occurring externally included animals, objects, and nature related phenomena.

Parent described the phenomena both eased and intensified their grief. Easing of grief consisted of receiving good feeling, becoming closer to the deceased child, and changing of the parents’ view of life to more positive one. Shaking of the normality and increasing of discomfort intensified parents’ grief as the experience paranormal phenomena.

As conclusion, the parents experienced paranormal phenomena related to the parent self or occurring externally. Paranormal phenomena both eased and intensified parents’ grief. Increasing knowledge about paranormal experiences after the death of a child helps the professionals, grieving parents as well as their closed ones to better understand these phenomena and their effects.

Author Biographies

Suvi Laiho, Tampereen yliopisto

Suvi Laiho on sairaanhoitaja ja TtM-opiskelija. Hän kiinnostui surututkimuksesta opiskellessaan Tampereen yliopiston Terveystieteiden yksikössä ja tämä artikkeli on osa hänen pro gradu –tutkimustaan.

Marja Kaunonen, Tampereen yliopisto

Marja Kaunonen on Terveystieteiden tohtori ja hoitotieteen dosentti. Hän työskentelee professorina Tampereen yliopiston Terveystieteiden yksikössä. Hänen hoitotieteen väitöskirjansa käsitteli surevien perheiden tukemista ja jatkotutkimus on kohdistunut eri perheenjäsenten suruun, selviytymisen ja tukemiseen läheisen kuoleman jälkeen sekä myös lapsettomuudessa tai perheenjäsenen sairastuessa

Anna Liisa Aho, Tampereen yliopisto

Anna Liisa Aho on Terveystieteiden tohtori ja dosentti, joka työskentelee Tampereen yliopiston Terveystieteiden yksikössä ja hän on pitkään tutkinut eri perheenjäsenten surua, selviytymistä ja surevien moniammatillista tukemista eri näkökulmista.


