Monikieliset oppilaat koulussa: eri kieliryhmien sisäinen ja ulkoinen motivaatio sekä sen yhteys matematiikan osaamiseen PISA 2012 -arvioinnissa


  • Heidi Harju-Luukkainen
  • Mirja Tarnanen
  • Kari Nissinen


For the first time in PISA, the Finnish students with an immigrant background were oversampled in 2012. This makes the data more representative and increases the precision of statistical analyses. In this article 691 first-generation and 603 second-generation students with an immigrant background are studied closer as a group. We examine the level of students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and its relation to the educational outcome in PISA 2012 from the perspective of students’ linguistic background. According to the results, there are statistically significant differences in students’ motivation level in different language groups. All of the non-native language groups represented in PISA 2012 had a higher level of motivation compared to native language groups. Secondly, the results reveal that the correlation between motivation and educational outcome within different language groups is not straightforward. Finally, we discuss some implications concerning the role of motivation and native languages of the student with migrant background in learning and how learning could be supported by taking these factors into consideration when teaching in multicultural and multilingual settings.


