Englanti venäjänkielisen alakoululaisen suomen kielen oppimisen tukena


  • Maria Ahlholm Helsingin yliopisto


suomi toisena kielenä, lingua franca -englanti, valmistava opetus, alakoulu, sopeutuminen


This article focuses on the role of English as a lingua franca (ELF), when it is used by a 9-year-old primary school pupil who has Russian as his first language and Finnish as a second language (F2). The participant had no previous knowledge of English when he started the F2 preparatory class. The data consist of eight lessons that are taken from the Long Second video corpus, video recorded during the pupils’ first year after immigration. Based on an ecological systemic frame of reference, the usage of ELF can be understood as part of the language user’s self-organizing, when his language system co-adapts to the systemic whole of the preparatory year classroom. The first appearance of an ELF expression is analyzed in its systemic context, and other systemic factors are presented in the form of a table.