Commercial cultivars and farmers’ access to crop diversity: A case study from the Nordic region


  • Svein Oivind Solberg Nordic Genetic Resource Center, Box 41, 230 53 Alnarp, Sweden
  • Line Breian University of Gothenburg, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, Box 100, S-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden


agriculture, agrobiodiversity, climate change, periphery, plant breeding, practice story, seed system, variety list, vegetables, trade, UPOV


Agricultural diversification is one way of meeting the future challenges associated with climate change and population growth, making farmers’ access to a diversity of high-yielding, good quality cultivars critical. In this paper we provide an overview of the seed system in the Nordic region from the 1950 to the present. The emphasis is on breeding businesses and their production of cultivars. Key primary sources have been the national variety lists, other written sources on plant breeding, and a survey. We document how enterprises have merged and how this consolidation process has affected the production of new cultivars and led to an emphasis on major crops, resulting in the abandonment of breeding activities for several other crops. The results are discussed in relation to structures and in the broader context of agrobiodiversity issues in peripheral regions of the world.


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How to Cite

Solberg, S. O., & Breian, L. (2015). Commercial cultivars and farmers’ access to crop diversity: A case study from the Nordic region. Agricultural and Food Science, 24(2), 150–163.
Received 2015-02-03
Accepted 2015-05-07
Published 2015-06-27