Öljypellavan viljelyn alkutaipaleelta suomessa: Vuonna 1942 tuotetun siemenen laatu


  • Otto Valle Maatalouskoelaitoksen kasvinviljelysosasto, Tikkurila
  • Liisa Mali Maatalouskoelaitoksen kasvinviljelysosasto, Tikkurila


During the war in 1942 cultivation of oil-flax was started in Finland in order to produce raw material for oil industry. Seed brought from Argentina previous year was used for sowing. The cultivated area in 1942 was only 395 ha. The analysis of the seed produced shows that although the Argentine oil-flax ripens very late it may yield raw material the oil content of which approaches that of the imported Argentine flax-seed. The oil content of the samples from 1942 crop was 43,3% and the crude protein content 22.9 % of the dry matter.


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How to Cite

Valle, O., & Mali, L. (1945). Öljypellavan viljelyn alkutaipaleelta suomessa: Vuonna 1942 tuotetun siemenen laatu. Agricultural and Food Science, 17(4), 144–156. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71177