Maatalous Suomen kansantulolaskelmissa


  • Pentti Viita Tilastollinen päätoimisto, Helsinki


The value added method has been used in the computation of the national income in Finland. 1 he agricultural net national product consists of; receipts from sales, products for own use on the farms, change in value of stock and livestock, horse work furnished by agriculture to forestry less all purchased materials and services, repairs, maintenance and depreciation. The agricultural net national product is divided further into wages and salaries, interest and total income of farmer (= operator’s income). In table 1 are given the agricultural net national product and the volume index of Finnish agriculture during 1920—1926. In table 2 is shown the position of agriculture in the national economy during 1926— 1952. In the period 1926—1939 the agricultural prduction, in fact, accompanies the general economic development, but since World War II all other industries have been on a much higher level than agriculture. Wages and salaries represent about 20 per cent of the agricultural net national product in 1938 and 1951; the total income of farmer is about 76 and 77 per cent of it.


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How to Cite

Viita, P. (1954). Maatalous Suomen kansantulolaskelmissa. Agricultural and Food Science, 26(1), 121–129.