Kevätvehnälajikkeiden tuntomerkeistä


  • Elli Korpinen Valtion siementarkastuslaitos, Helsinki


The sale of seed for sowing purposes is not allowed in Finland without a guarantee based on a certificate issued by the State Seed Testing Station. The guarantee, however, covers only germination and purity, but it is commonly issued, particularly with all cereals, to cover also genuinneness of variety, though it is compulsory only with regard to the two top quality seed classes and does not concern ordinary seed on sale. The State Seed Testing Station must therefore possess a thorough knowledge of the varieties and their differentiation. Characteristics of the varieties are subject to constant study with new varieties appearing on sale. The above table of investigation on spring wheat varieties is a result of these studies and contains all the varieties that have been on sale at least for some time during the past 20 years, and of which a sample has been sent to the State Seed Testing Station in accordance with the seed law. Altogether 25 varieties of spring wheat are presented here. The newest, as well as some of the oldest varieties, have been studied only some 2—3 years, most varieties, however, for 10—20 years. Characteristics of the varieties have been investigated both in the laboratory and in the field. The above table of investigation provides a supplement to the table published earlier in this journal (Journal of the Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland, Vol. 13, 1941 (145—164)). In each the spring wheat varieties are classified approximately according to the same characteristics.


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How to Cite

Korpinen, E. (1956). Kevätvehnälajikkeiden tuntomerkeistä. Agricultural and Food Science, 28(1), 84–89.