Upto-perunan merkitys Mikkelin läänin maanviljelysseuran alueella


  • Esko Seppänen Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus, Kasvinviljelylaitos, Tikkurila
  • Erkki Huokuna Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus, Etelä-Savon koeasema, Mikkeli


The present study is based on potato variety and soil type trials carried out in 1911 1958, on statistical investigations made by the Department of Agriculture in 1950, 1955 and 1960, and on a survey made from three parishes in the area of the Agricultural Society of Mikkeli province, which is located in the inland region of Southeast Finland. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the wide distribution of the variety Up-fo-Date in this region of Finland as well as the changes occurring in its area of cultivation. Up-to-Date proved to be a typical variety on light soils. It thrived best at the South Savo Experimental Station, where it was regularly one of the highest-yielding potato varieties in the entire period 1922—58 and the highest-yielding table potato up to the 1940’s (Table 1). In the 1930’s Up-to-Date became the most important potato variety in this area, displacing the previously cultivated local varieties. Its extent of cultivation was at its greatest around the year 1950, when it was grown on every second farm and its area of cultivation constituted one-third of the total area grown to potato (Tables 2 and 3). Since that time the cultivation of Up-to-Date has rapidly declined, but even as late as 1960 it was still the most important variety in this region.


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How to Cite

Seppänen, E., & Huokuna, E. (1962). Upto-perunan merkitys Mikkelin läänin maanviljelysseuran alueella. Agricultural and Food Science, 34(1), 83–90. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71569