Lisätietoja torajyvän viljelykokeista Viikin koetilalla


  • Anna-Liisa Ruokola Yliopiston kasvipatologian laitos, Helsinki


In continuation trials carried out at Viik Experimental Farm in the years 1959–61 investigations were made on various factors influencing ergot yields in fields of rye. Among the results obtained, the following can be mentioned: A surface dressing of nitrogen fertilizer increased the yield of ergot (Fig. 1). The size of the ergot grains was only slightly increased by the nitrogen treatment. Boron and copper dressings increased the grain yield of rye more than the yield of ergot. Thus this treatment reduced the ergot content of the rye (Table 1). When the concentration of conidia in the inoculation suspension (25 000 per ml) was increased 10 or 100 times, the ergot yield was correspondingly increased 18 % and 45 %, respectively (Table 4). Secondary infection was found to have an appreciable effect on the yield of ergot in the years 1960—61 (Fig. 3). In 1960 the amount of ergot was practically the same in rye plants inoculated with conidial suspension and in uninoculated plants situated 10—50 cm distant. Certain foreign strains of ergot high in alkaloid content were found to be spread at least 850 meters from the initially infected stands (Tabulation on page 129).


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How to Cite

Ruokola, A.-L. (1962). Lisätietoja torajyvän viljelykokeista Viikin koetilalla. Agricultural and Food Science, 34(1), 121–131.