Suomen maataloushistorian päälinjat


  • Arvo M. Soininen Valtion Yhteiskuntatieteellinen Toimikunta


The study on the history of agriculture in Finland deals chiefly with the social history of rural areas in the country. Only minor emphasis is placed on the actual economic aspect of agricultural history. Moreover, the various sectors of agriculture and the different farming practices are generally treated separately without sufficient consideration being taken of the farm proper as the basic unit of agricultural economic activity. The writer examines the contribution made by the different sectors of Finnish farming economy in the development of agriculture and comes to the conclusion that the economic emphasis has constantly shifted between the different branches of agriculture and different methods of farming. From the standpoint of over-all farm economy, the development of agriculture in Finland has by no means been as slow as has generally been believed on the basis of purely technical progress.


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How to Cite

Soininen, A. M. (1966). Suomen maataloushistorian päälinjat. Agricultural and Food Science, 38(2), 101–108.