Nurmet, Italian raiheinä ja rehukaali tuorerehukasveina suoviljelyksillä


  • Erkki Paulamäki Suoviljelysyhdistys, Leteensuon koeasema
  • Heikki Luostarinen Suoviljelysyhdistys, Tohmajärven koeasema


In 1967—1969 comparative experiments on ley crops and annual forage crops were arranged at the experiment stations of the Peat Cultivation Society at Leteensuo and Tohmajärvi. In the experiments two fertilizing intensities (LA1 = low and LA2 = high) were used. Among other things these experiments on Carex peat gave the following results. Plant species determinations proved that in the meadow fescue-timothy ley the meadow fescue gained space from timothy. The red clover disappeared on the leys quickly and already in second year leys it was rare and was being replaced by meadow fescue. The marrow kale gave the highest average fresh and dry matter yields. At both experiment stations the dry matter yield of the grass ley was lower than that of the marrow kale, but higher than that of the Italian ryegrass. The Italian ryegrass had the highest crude protein content and the marrow kale the lowest. In the experiments at Tohmajärvi, the crude protein yields of the grass ley, Italian ryegrass and the marrow kale were the same as to the amount of yield, but at Leteensuo the crude protein yield of the Italian ryegrass was smaller than that of the other plants. The dry matter content of forage diminished in the following order: ley crops, Italian ryegrass and marrow kale. As silage the food unit and crude protein yields of the grass leys were higher than those of annual crops.


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How to Cite

Paulamäki, E., & Luostarinen, H. (1971). Nurmet, Italian raiheinä ja rehukaali tuorerehukasveina suoviljelyksillä. Agricultural and Food Science, 43(1), 34–39.