Kananmunamassan pastöroinnista ja jäädyttämisestä


  • Merimaija Holopainen Maitotaloustuotteiden tarkastuslaitos, Helsinki


According to overseas studies the beating time of liquid egg is prolonged and the specific volume of foam is reduced through pasteurization and cooling. As simultaneously, however, the foam stability is improved, the volume of ready made cakes will be equal irrespective of the handling of the raw material. In the above studies of liquid egg, no significant differences were established either in the beating time of shell egg and pasteurized and raw liquid egg or in the foam specific volume or the foam stability. The freezing of liquid egg has reduced the foam specific volume, on the other hand it has improved significantly the foam stability. When pasteurized and frozen liquid egg was stored in -25°C, the foam specific volume was reduced further after three months’ storing and after eight months it was reduced to about half of the foam specific volume of the pasteurized fresh liquid egg. In unpasteurized liquid egg this property remained unchanged. Judging by the microbiological studies the unpasteurized liquid egg can be rated as a very doubtful product hygienically, whereas the pasteurized liquid egg stored in +6°C can be regarded as harmless for human health as late as on the 5th day from the date of manufacturing. Nowadays a storage temperature of +4°C is maintained which also secures the keeping quality of the product according to information in the literature. The 0.05, 0.1 or 0.2 per cent weight increases of sodium bentzoate (calculated in bentzoic acid) did not have any effect on the keeping quality of the product when stored in +6° C.


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How to Cite

Holopainen, M. (1971). Kananmunamassan pastöroinnista ja jäädyttämisestä. Agricultural and Food Science, 43(3), 148–158. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71793