Fertilizing experiments with anhydrous ammonia at Kotkaniemi


  • Yrjö Pessi Rikkihappo Oy, Helsinki
  • Jorma Syvälahti Rikkihappo Oy, Helsinki
  • Auvo Leskelä Rikkihappo Oy, Helsinki
  • Mikko Ylänen Rikkihappo Oy, Helsinki


On spring cereals and in fertilization in connection with the sowing of winter cereals the effectiveness of ammonia is comparable to that of calcium ammonium nitrate. In tests that were arranged at Rikkihappo Oy’s experimental farm Kotkaniemi it was established that anhydrous ammonia given in connection with spring cereal fertilization and autumn cereal earthing is equal to CAN in effect. 16 tests were carried out during a period of five years using placement fertilization the soil being silty clay in most cases. Differences did not occur in the grain yield, the 1000-grain number hl-weight or in the protein content of the grain crop. Urea proved to be less effective than the two other fertilizers.


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How to Cite

Pessi, Y., Syvälahti, J., Leskelä, A., & Ylänen, M. (1971). Fertilizing experiments with anhydrous ammonia at Kotkaniemi. Agricultural and Food Science, 43(4), 213–219. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71800