Effect of annual use of pesticides on soil microorganisms and sugar beet yields


  • Helvi Heinonen-Tanski University of Kuopio, Department of Environmental Engineering, POB 6, SF-70211 Kuopio, Finland
  • Paavo Simojoki Agricultural Research Centre, Central Finland Research Station, SF-41340 Laukaa, Finland
  • Kyösti Raininko Sugar Beet Research Centre, SF-25170 Kotalato, Finland
  • Nils Nuormala Sugar Beet Research Centre, SF-25170 Kotalato, Finland
  • Riitta Silvo Water Protection Association of Saimaa Region, Hietakallionkatu 2, SF-53850 Lappeenranta, Finland


Sugar beet is often cultivated for several years on the same fields, using many pesticides. We have therefore studied the effects of a pesticide programme on soil microorganisms and sugar beet yields in Perniö and Laukaa. The pesticides in use were thiram, hymexazol, dimethoate, phenmedipham and metamitron and, in Laukaa only, alloxidim-Na. Pesticides were used either in the normal doses or at 150 % of the normal dose. The normal doses of pesticide application had a favourable effect on sugar beet yields in both experiments. The sugar yield was higher in plots with the normal pesticide doses than in the control plots. The overdoses increased neither the sugar beet yields nor the sugar yields as compared to the normal plots. The soil microorganisms were affected by pesticides in some but not in all cases. The most sensitive were the ureolytic microorganisms and the dehydrogenase activities.





How to Cite

Heinonen-Tanski, H., Simojoki, P., Raininko, K., Nuormala, N., & Silvo, R. (1989). Effect of annual use of pesticides on soil microorganisms and sugar beet yields. Agricultural and Food Science, 61(1), 45–53. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.72351