MindBusiness-viitekehyksen yhteys yrittäjämäisen minäpystyvyyden muutoksiin korkeakouluopinnoissa – ”Kaikki haasteet ovat voitettavissa”
self-efficacy belief, entrepreneur, learning research, multi-method, collaborationAbstract
Although the entrepreneurial attitudes of university students are at a higher level than in previous years, only few of them end up as entrepreneurs. The phenomenon may be explained by insufficient entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy refers to a student’s perceptions of his or her ability to succeed in work tasks requiring entrepreneurial skills, especially in challenging situations or in the role of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy
requires the students to regulate their cognitive, emotional, and motivational processes so that they can successfully address
emerging problems. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy makes it possible for them to choose entrepreneurship as one of their future career
options. In this article, we describe the pedagogical MindBusiness framework and examine the change in the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of university students through a study module implemented in accordance with the framework. Students from universities and universities of applied sciences representing different fields participated in this multi-method research. Questionnaire data (N=72) were collected from two MindBusiness courses in entrepreneurship education before and after each course. Thematic interviews (N=10) were conducted after the courses. A positive development was seen in entrepreneurial self-efficacy as regards working life co-operation, sense of community and entrepreneurial competencies. Based on the results of our research, when planning for teaching through the pedagogical framework in higher education, it is more important to pay attention to supporting the student’s entrepreneurial self-efficacy rather than the practical measures of starting a business.