Opiskelijoiden aineelliset ja kokemukselliset etäopiskeluympäristöt Covid-19-pandemian aikana


  • Solja Upola
  • Satu-Maarit Korte
  • Janne Väätäjä
  • Suvi Lakkala
  • Merja Paksuniemi
  • Pigga Keskitalo


distance learning environment, well-being, self-regulation, self-efficacy, need for support, upper secondary education, 9th grade basic education


The study aims to identify factors consisting of students’ experiences related to distance education. The research data was collected during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 from upper secondary school students and 9th grade students of basic education (N=189). In addition, workshops were held with upper secondary school students (N=45), where appropriate practices and challenging areas of distance education were discussed. The collected data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. The students emphasized that a functional distance learning environment supports social, psychological and physical well-being. The study highlights students’ varying needs for support and the importance of multidimensional social interaction in distance education. In addition, students’ experiences of self-regulation are linked to the experience of self-efficacy. The results can be implemented when developing guidance practices in distance education that take into account physical and experiential distance learning environments.




How to Cite

Upola, S., Korte, S.-M., Väätäjä, J., Lakkala, S., Paksuniemi, M., & Keskitalo, P. (2023). Opiskelijoiden aineelliset ja kokemukselliset etäopiskeluympäristöt Covid-19-pandemian aikana. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 25(1), 10–27. https://doi.org/10.54329/akakk.127566