Motivation in digital open badge-driven learning in vocational teacher education


  • Sanna Brauer Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus, Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Pirkko Siklander Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Lapin yliopisto
  • Sanna Ruhalahti Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu


motivation, digital open badges, vocational teacher education, digital pedagogy, professional development


Digital open badges, a set of micro-credentials, have recently been introduced as tools for digital identification and recognition of expertise acquired in practice or through studies. The current study aims to examine what motivates students in the badge-driven learning process. The theoretical framework focuses on concepts of achievement goals, triggers of learning, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Data were collected in 2016 from group interviews (n=6) of in-service trained professional teachers (n=17) and pre-service students of vocational teacher education (n=12) who earned 645 badges over one year in a Learning Online PD program. The research was conducted via data-driven content analysis. Results revealed several variables affecting motivation: progressive challenges and the extent of required performance, enthusiasm for the badge-driven learning, study progress, inspiring gamification, the option to study regardless of time and place, and optional study paths. This paper informs future researchers aiming to understand how badge-driven learning supports motivation.




How to Cite

Brauer, S., Siklander, P., & Ruhalahti, S. (2017). Motivation in digital open badge-driven learning in vocational teacher education. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 19(3), 7–23. Retrieved from