Simulation learning as a tool for the development of resilience in expert organisations


  • Sari Niemi LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu


simulation training, resilience, expert organisations, collaborative learning


This study examines simulation-based learning as a working community development method from the perspectives of key challenges in working life, such as resilience and associated needs for change in learning, innovation, and management.

Working life changes also challenge learning at work. New practices are needed to promote learning in working life and organisations’ ability to renew. The research questions are 1) what are the principles to be considered regarding simulation learning in terms of the ability to renew work communities, and 2) what is the significance of the simulation method for the renewal of an expert organisation, especially from the perspectives of learning and management?

The research data consist of practical experiments, feedback and thematic interviews carried out in expert organisations. Factor analysis formed three principles to be considered in simulation learning: an objective supporting the organisation’s situation, a safe and meaningful situation, and an insightful and shared learning. On the basis of data-based qualitative analysis, simulation learning includes elements that enable organizations to regenerate. Simulation learning supports communal development, but also broadens perspectives and prepares experts and leaders to act in unexpected situations. Interventions achieved using the simulation method show that simulation pedagogy is applicable to the context of development and learning of expert organisations beyond the fields and topics discussed in previous studies.

How to Cite

Niemi, S. (2020). Simulation learning as a tool for the development of resilience in expert organisations. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 22(2), 70–87. Retrieved from