Kun viesti, editointi ja julkistaminen tulevat näkyviksi

verkkokirjoittamisen poetiikkaa

  • Risto Niemi-Pynttäri Jyväskylän yliopisto


When Message, Editing and Publication Become Visible. On the Poetics of Digital Webwriting

In his article, Niemi-Pynttäri discusses the poetics of Digital webwriting. The focus of the article lies on the poetics of mediating and editing relations. Based on German hermeneutics and media philosophy, the article covers three different areas of research. The first objective is to reveal how the study of communication has so far overlooked the poetic level. Criticism is aimed, above all, at the way in which the field of hermeneutics has tended to ignore the emergence of the message (angelos) as a poetic-religious event. The second part of the article demonstrates how webwriting has taken on aspects of performance. To conclude, Niemi-Pynttäri presents the message in terms of its poetics and examines how the roles of messenger and editor relate to the emergence of the message. The main goal of the article is to analyse the hermeneutics of webwriting through the three key concepts of message, editing and publication.
maalis 1, 2006
Niemi-Pynttäri, R. (2006). Kun viesti, editointi ja julkistaminen tulevat näkyviksi: verkkokirjoittamisen poetiikkaa. AVAIN - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti, (1), 24–39. https://doi.org/10.30665/av.74647