Vol 13 Nro 1 (2006): The Oral History Network in the Nordic and Baltic Context

This theme issue of Elore is also the result of finding new ways to promote Nordic-Baltic oral history research for wider audiences. We are delighted that so many distinguished researchers whom we have met during the last few years accepted our invitation to write in this theme issue. Professor Vieda Skultans was the keynote speaker, together with Alessandro Portelli, at the international postgraduate seminar Methodological Choices in Oral History Research organized at the University of Turku in May 2004. We have had the pleasure of meeting Baiba Bela-Krumin, a, Maija Hinkle and Mara Zirnite several times at meetings and seminars organized by the Latvian National Oral History Project – NOH and its partners from different Nordic-Baltic countries. Tiiu Jaago is the administrator of the WebCT platform mentioned above and, like her colleagues from Estonia Ene Kõresaar and Aigi Rahi, works in the field of oral history and life stories. Katia Melnikova and Natalia Baschmakoff are our Russian partners. Individual members of FOHN are also well represented in this theme issue as authors and editors. As the articles, review articles and reviews show, there are various different ways of doing oral history research depending on each researcher’s personal interests and scientific background.