Changes in the linguistic environment and language attitudes
language attitudes, urban areas, Komi, language maintenance, language sustainability, SyktyvkarAbstract
The article focuses on language sustainability, the functioning of a language in the multiverse of its relations with speakers, non-speakers, other languages, and surrounding environments. Highlighted is the case of the Komi language, approached through the analysis of the language attitudes of Komi and non-Komi residents of Syktyvkar, the capital of the Komi Republic, and changes that have affected the language’s role. The empirical data includes interviews with urban Komi, social media posts, and historical and census data.
Unlike previous studies, the article demonstrates historical transformations in the language attitudes of urban Komi. Widespread Russification and marginalization have previously spurred the development of negative language attitudes. Increased interregional communication, digitalization, and access to information have influenced later improvements in these attitudes.
Changes in the attitudes of non-Komi residents are observed as well: while these attitudes were previously acutely negative, they have been replaced by indifferent and moderately positive ones. The prevalence of positive attitudes was registered in situations where direct interaction with the Komi language was not expected, while direct interaction, such as inclusion of Komi in the school curriculum, triggered more negative reactions.
The prevalence of a utilitarian approach to language maintenance and widespread narratives about the Russifying influence of Syktyvkar have negatively affected the sustainability of the Komi language within the city. Simultaneously, the influx of rural-born Komi-speaking youth with positive language attitudes and the presence of places and communities where Komi is used and valued exert a favorable influence on the language.
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