Valmiuslaki koronapandemian sääntelystrategiana


  • Harriet Lonka Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu


Emergency Powers Act, COVID-19, Regulatory Strategy, Rationality, Public Value, Emergence


The emergency powers act as the regulatory strategy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland

Preparedness legislation prepares for situations that require exceptional powers for the authorities to control the situation. In this study, the Emergency Powers Act and the entity of its preliminary works and background materials are looked at as a regulatory strategy guiding the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Finland. The review utilizes the framework previously developed for analysis of governmental security strategy work. The relevant importance of these elements is examined through the government statutes on the application of the Emergency Powers Act in 2020 and 2021. In conclusion the aspects of rationality are found to be dominant in the governmental COVID-19 regulation strategy. The determination of public value has largely been left to be the responsibility of the Constitutional Law Committee. The inability of the strategy to recognize the needs for adaptive regulation in...


