Kalastusmatkailuelämyksen asiakasarvo



customer value, tourism experience, fishing tourism, serious leisure


Customer value in fishing tourism experience

This research helps understand experiential value in fishing tourism, the related value dimensions, and different fishing tourist types based on these value dimensions. The data consists of 13 interviews among Finnish fishing hobbyists, who regularly take fishing tourism trips in Finland and abroad. The interviews were analyzed by theory-guided content analysis within the framework of consumption values, with togetherness as an additional value dimension. The findings suggest four factors relate to value creation in fishing tourism experiences:  1) fishing activity and catching fish (functional value), 2) nature and closeness to nature (emotional value), 3) spending time with friends and/or family (togetherness), and 4) mental wellbeing (emotional value). Togetherness, emotional value, and sensorial perceptions of the experience were the most significant factors in the creation of experiential value. Being together links to mental wellbeing. As for fishing tourist types, most interviewees were in the fishing with friends group. The second biggest group, nature enthusiasts, appreciated the nature and authenticity of a destination. Explorers valued novelty, and build their fishing tourism experience on unfamiliar destinations and new experiences. Only one person was classified as a committed fishing tourist. For this group, catching a big fish was the core fishing tourism experience. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the framework of consumption values combined with the value of togetherness is more suitable for examining leisure activity-based tourism experiences than previous tourism experience frameworks.




How to Cite

Turunen, L., Komppula, R., & Suni, J. (2020). Kalastusmatkailuelämyksen asiakasarvo. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 35–54. https://doi.org/10.33351/mt.83249