Miten sääntelyä muuttamalla voitaisiin ohjata kalastusta enemmän taloudellista arvoa luovaan suuntaan?


  • Eelis Paukku


fishing tourism, theory of regulation, commercial fishing


How could fishing generate more economic value through changing regulations?

Fishing tourism is a growing industry in Finland, generating significantly more value than commercial fishing. Fishing tourism also generates more value to rural areas with fewer economic activities. The value generated by fishing could be increased through promoting fishing tourism. There is no national research on regulation harmful to fishing tourism in Finland. In this article, first, a literature review on value creation in fishing tourism and commercial fishing is presented. After that, the regulations affecting fishing tourism and commercial fishing from the perspective of promoting these industries in a sustainable way are compared. The findings of this study indicate that the current fishing permit system in Finland favours commercial fishing at the expense of fishing tourism. The other conclusion is that permit-based fishing tourism could be significantly promoted without giving up the regulatory goals. In some cases, value generated by fishing could be promoted by restricting commercial fishing. In conclusion, it can be stated that the current regulations restricting fishing tourism are overly strict in comparison to the regulations governing commercial fishing. Value generated by fishing tourism could be significantly increased by increasing officials’ decision-making powers in granting fishing tourism permits.




How to Cite

Paukku, E. (2020). Miten sääntelyä muuttamalla voitaisiin ohjata kalastusta enemmän taloudellista arvoa luovaan suuntaan?. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 55–73.