Sosiodemografiset tekijät ja elämäntapa matkailukulutusta selittävinä tekijöinä: kausaalinen analyysi
matkailu, kulutus, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, sosiodemografiset tekijät, elämäntapaAbstrakti
Postmodern theories state that instead of demographics, social divisions are based on identity and lifestyle. In this article, the effects of these both were examined. Tourism consumption was divided into two dimensions, “actual tourism” and “desire to travel more”. Analysis was based on survey “Finland 2004”. Sociodemographic factors were assumed to influence more on actual tourism than on desire to travel more. However, sociodemographic variables might influence on travelling habits also inderectly through life-styles. The results strengthened the hypothesis. The effect of lifestyles was quite strong but sociodemographic factors had still direct but also indirect effect via lifestyles.