Matkailukeskusten muuttuvat toiminnot tilassa ja ajassa: Teoreettinen näkökulma


  • Pekka Kauppila


matkailualueen elinkaari, matkailukeskukset, muutos, aluekehitys


Changing functions of resorts in space and time: a theoretical viewpoint

Resorts are considered places for tourism demand and supply. However, some other functions than tourism have been noticed as well: at the same time resorts are places for development and everyday life. These different functions can be divided into eight subcategories, which are named environments. The aim of this study is to illustrate the changing functions of resorts in space and time in a new way. The framework of the proposed model is based on Butler's (1980) tourist area life cycle and classic regional development core–periphery relationship. Three development stages of resorts – pre-tourism, tourism and post-tourism – can be found, and each of them is dominated by different functions and environments. Tied to the stages, there also emerge changes in the core–periphery relationships at the local level between destinations and their surrounding area. Finally, the limitations of the proposed model are discussed critically.




Referera så här

Kauppila, P. (2006). Matkailukeskusten muuttuvat toiminnot tilassa ja ajassa: Teoreettinen näkökulma. Turismforskning, 2(1), 19–40. Hämtad från