Turvallisuus aiheena matkailualojen opetussuunnitelmissa Suomessa ja Australiassa – moniulotteinen näkökulma
matkailuala, opetussuunnitelmat, turvallisuus, Suomi, Australia, sisällönanalyysiAbstract
Tourism industries are providing services in environments away from people’s homes; these are by definitions alien to the consumers and contain thus risk. Other risks are related to employees or to operators of the businesses. Risks can be quite concrete, but also more abstract such as loss of good-will and reputation. What focus is placed on safety, security and risks in tourism and hospitality educational programs in Finland and Australia? In other words, how are tourism and hospitality professionals taught to work safely in work environments of the industries? These questions are being answered based on findings stemming from an analysis of tourism and hospitality curricula. The key findings paint a worrying picture for the industries as safety, security and risks receive negligible attention in the overall tourism and hospitality education offer.